Washington DC

3:30 - 5:00 p.m., Friday, November 14

Neuroscience and Human Rights

One of the goals of the INS is "to create bridges between advances in neuroscience and the world of policy and ethics." However, neuroethics has not yet defined its relation with human rights, which is the focus of this session. Integrating a human rights-based approach into existing neuroethics discourse accomplishes two objectives. First, it provides a set of norms that clarify some of the ethical concerns associated with applications of current neuroscience research. Second, the universal acceptance of human rights through numerous international treaties and other normative instruments provides a global standard that can contribute to policy among countries. Neuroethical concerns, when reinforced by a human rights assessment, become relevant to international policy formulation and implementation. Natalie Gyenes, Harvard School of Public Health, was the Project Coordinator of this panel.


Stephen Marks
Harvard School of Public Health


Mariana Chilton
Drexel University

Judy Illes
University of British Columbia, Canada Research Chair in Neuroethics

S. Matthew Liao
New York University