Steven E. Hyman Award

The Steven E. Hyman Award for Distinguished Service to the Field of Neuroethics is bestowed annually to members of the scientific community at the INS Annual Meeting. Recipients of the award are chosen by the Society's current president, immediate past president, and president-elect. The award was initiated in 2016 by the INS Board of Directors to recognize people who have helped develop the field of neuroethics and who have contributed to the INS. 



Jennifer A. Chandler

Joseph J. Fins presents Jennifer Chandler with an award

Jennifer A. Chandler, right, with Joseph J. Fins, INS Immediate Past President, in Baltimore, MD on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Image courtesy of Katherine Bassil / INS. Wide version (jpg)

Jennifer A. Chandler is a Professor of Law, the Bertram Loeb Research Chair, and has a cross-appointed with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, in Canada. She is also the Vice-Dean of Research for the Faculty of Law, leads the neuroethics pillar of the University of Ottawa Brain Mind Research Institute, and is a principal investigator in the Hybrid Minds project — an international collaboration of researchers which examines the implications of incorporating artificial intelligence in neuroprostheses. Dr. Chandler studies the legal and ethical aspects of biomedical science and technology, with a focus on the intersection of the brain sciences, law and ethics.

During the award presentation, INS Immediate Past President Joseph J. Fins highlighted the following aspects of Dr. Chandler's work and contributions to the field.

"Jennifer, as you heard yesterday, is an outstanding thinker. She's one of those people, in her Canadian modesty, doesn't draw attention to herself, but her work draw attention to her. "I have long admired you. Debra and I were so pleased to be able to do this."

"If you take a moment and read her scholarship, you'll see how careful she is. She takes on impossible projects — like all the psychosurgery literature in the world; as if Canada isn't enough — and just synthesizes things in a way that's comprehensible, elegant and impactful."

To present the award, Dr. Fins said: "So, on behalf of the INS, my colleague Debra, and the INS Board, I am very pleased to present to you the Steven Hyman Award. Congratulations."

Awards Presentation · April 18, 2024



James Bernat

Dr. James Bernat holding a glass award at the 2022 INS Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada; Credit: Roland Nadler;

Dr. Bernat is a neurologist and bioethicist, an Emeritus Professor of Neurology at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, and was formerly the Louis and Ruth Frank Professor of Neuroscience at Dartmouth Medical School.

When presenting the award, INS President Joseph J. Fins called him 'the dean of clinical neuroethics', and lauded his many years of service to neuroethics by being a diligent scholar, an ethical and honorable person, and an amazing friend and mentor to many.


Patricia Churchland



Walter Koroshetz



Martha Farah



Helen Mayberg

Then INS President Hank Greely said, “We are thrilled to present this award to Helen Mayberg. Her insistence on the importance of ethical issues in deep brain stimulation research and practice has been consistent, energetic, and effective."

Hank Greely, Helen Mayberg and Judy Illes

Hank Greely, Helen Mayberg and Judy Illes


William Safire

The award was posthumously presented to Ed Rover and Barbara Gill of the Dana Foundation.


Steven E. Hyman

The inaugural award went to Steve Hyman for his contributions to the early formation of the neuroethics field, service as the Society's first president from 2008–2014, and continued support for growth of the Society.


James Bernat (2022)

Dr. Bernat is a neurologist and bioethicist, an Emeritus Professor of Neurology at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, and was formerly the Louis and Ruth Frank Professor of Neuroscience at Dartmouth Medical School. When presenting the award, INS President Joseph J. Fins called him 'the dean of clinical neuroethics', and lauded his many years of service to neuroethics by being a diligent scholar, an ethical and honorable person, and an amazing friend and mentor to many.



Dr. James Bernat opening a box presented by Joseph J. Fins at the 2022 INS Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada;

Dr. James Bernat, left, with Joseph J. Fins; Credit: Roland Nadler

Dr. James Bernat holding a glass award at the 2022 INS Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada;

Dr. James Bernat posing with the Hyman Award; Credit: Roland Nadler

Dr. James Bernat holding an award and Joseph J. Fins posing for a photo 2022 INS Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada;

Dr. James Bernat, left, posing with the award and presenter Joseph J. Fins; Credit: Roland Nadler