Neuroethics 2025
International Neuroethics Society
Società Italiana di Neuroetica
Munich, Germany
April 23-25, 2025

Neuroethics 2025 · INS Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the International Neuroethics Society (INS) will be held in Munich, Germany on April 23-25, 2025. Most activities will be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week.

The theme will focus on issues at the intersection of Neuroethics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), but sessions, presentations, and activities will span a wide range of topics related to neuroethics.

Sign up to get email updates about the meeting and to receive the calls for session proposals and research abstracts when they are announced in the coming weeks.


Neuroethics and AI


Date and venue selected for Neuroethics 2025

We are excited to report that Neuroethics 2025 will be held April 23-25, 2025 at the beautiful Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich, Germany. This 3-day event will be a joint annual meeting of the International Neuroethics Society (INS) and the Società Italiana di Neuroetica (SINe) with opportunities to participate in-person and virtually. 

Many thanks to the members of the Program Committee who have worked hard to select and secure a stunning and centrally-located venue in Munich for this collaborative event.

This will be the first INS Annual Meeting held outside of North America, and we really look forward to working with SINe leadership and members to develop an an informative and interactive scientific program that focuses on issues at the intersection of neuroethics and artificial intelligence (AI).

The program will include sessions, talks, and research presentations related to this theme and the wide range of topics related to neuroethics and the ethical, legal, clinical, social, and policy considerations raised by brain sciences and technology. A call for research abstracts and session proposals will be forthcoming.

Sign up using the form below to get email updates about the meeting.

Email Signup

Past Meetings

Neuroethics 2024 »

Code of Conduct

The INS is committed to maintaining a professional, respectful, harassment-free environment. All meeting participants are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, and to uphold a professional environment committed to principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Event participants are expressly prohibited from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, or professionally inappropriate behavior towards anyone else at the event. Anyone who has a complaint or has experienced or witnessed behavior that violates the Code of Conduct, or otherwise merits institutional attention, should contact a member of the event organizing staff.  

See the INS Code of Conduct for details and guidance on reporting misconduct.