Neuroethics 2024
INS Annual Meeting
Baltimore USA + Virtual

Demystifying NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics Funding: Opportunities, Guidance, and even a few Answers

In this roundtable discussion, BRAIN Neuroethics Program leads and BRAIN Initiative supported neuroethicists will provide an overview of funding opportunities for supporting neuroethics research across multiple stages of the career development pipeline. Presenters will share their unique experiences across a range of funding mechanisms, discuss BRAIN Initiative scientific priorities and funding processes, and share resources for developing competitive applications.


  • Nina Hsu, BRAIN Neuroethics Program, NIH
  • Jay Churchill, BRAIN Neuroethics Program, NIH
  • Laura Cabrera, Pennsylvania State University
  • Ashley Feinsinger, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
  • Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital


Neuroethics 2024

  • Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024
  • Start Time: 11:00 a.m. EDT
  • Duration: 60 minutes


  1. Introduction / 10 mins
  2. Roundtable breakout 1 / 20 mins
  3. Roundtable breakout 2 / 20 mins
  4. Discussions will continue into lunch


In recent years, the perceived value of an integrated neuroethics perspective in NIH funded research has grown considerably. The NIH BRAIN Initiative supports research that aims to accelerate the development, application, and dissemination of innovative neurotechnologies. These scientific advancements also require that we keep pace with the ethical considerations that may arise through BRAIN Initiative supported research, and thus an increased demand for bioethics experts. We must ensure there is broader awareness of available funding opportunities that might have once been considered not viable for neuroethicists and to provide guidance, and showcase examples, of how neuroethics has been successfully integrated into NIH funded research. In this workshop, NIH Program Directors and funded researchers will: 1) share a brief overview of funding opportunities for supporting neuroethics research across multiple stages of the career development pipeline; 2) lead a discussion on available resources for developing a competitive neuroethics-focused funding application; and 3) provide technical assistance to help better understand the BRAIN Initiative scientific priorities and the funding process. The first segment of this workshop will center on neuroethics opportunities within the NIH BRAIN Initiative, while the later segment will be led by BRAIN Initiative supported neuroethicists with unique experiences across a range of funding mechanisms and career stages.

In addition to the session organizers, Drs. Nina Hsu and Jay Churchill, who will provide the overview, our four-speaker panel includes two women, and two scientists who identify as underrepresented minorities. Drs. Ashley Feinsinger, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, and Laura Cabrera will collectively bring diverse perspectives and viewpoints in representing a range of institutions, in addition to the funding opportunities they have used. As this time, we anticipate all organizers and speakers to participate in person.

Upon completion of this workshop attendees should have a better understanding of the available BRAIN Initiative funding opportunities for neuroethics research and feel empowered to reach out to NIH staff to inquire about funding opportunities and to engage others in their network to further develop novel research ideas in the neuroethics space.


Dr. Nina Hsu

BRAIN Neuroethics Program Team Co-Lead
[email protected]

Dr. Jay Churchill

BRAIN Neuroethics Program Team Co-Lead
[email protected]

Laura Cabrera

Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Ashley Feinsinger

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Affiliated Faculty, Philosophy, UCLA

Publications on PubMed

Dr. Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz

Assistant Professor, Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Psychiatry

Publications on PubMed